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Tahbilk Launches Indigenous Walking Trail

Tahbilk in the Nagambie Lakes region of Victoria has long been committed to the environment, regenerating their internal wetlands and walking trails since 1995. This month sees the latest addition to their sustainability program with the launch of their Indigenous Native Flora Walking Trail on Wednesday 31 March.

A collaboration between the Taungurung Land and Waters Council, the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority and Tahbilk Winery, the Indigenous Native Flora Walking Trail is the culmination of Hayley Purbrick’s (fifth generation at Tahbilk) vision and her engagement with the local community to bring it to fruition.

The trail is two kilometres long (about 30 minutes of walking time), features 12 highlighted native species and follows the existing short wetlands walking track.

Informative signs dot the track and a keepsake brochure features stunning artwork by local Taungurung Elder Mick Harding and species illustrations by Tahbilk-based artist, Rosa Purbrick.

While the revegetation program at Tahbilk plays an important part in Tahbilk’s sustainability credentials – they have been accredited CarboNZero since 2012 – it also has a role to play in the local tourism offering and community.

Already a well visited tourism destination, the Indigenous Native Flora Trail joins the historic cellar door and original underground cellars, iconic vineyards, Wetlands View Restaurant and the extensive Wetlands Precinct as a welcome tourism addition.

The true visionary behind development of the trail, Hayley Purbrick said, “We’re so delighted to see the Indigenous Native Flora Trail come to be and I give huge thanks to our collaborators – the Taungurung Land and Waters Council and the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority – whose experience, knowledge and wisdom were invaluable.

“We could not have done it without them and I am glad they will be here to celebrate with us next Wednesday.

“We look forward to welcoming all community to Tahbilk, to learn more about our indigenous history.”

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