A new trust mark has been launched for Sustainable Winegrowing Australia – the national sustainability program for Australia’s grape and wine producers.
The mark, which will be used by certified members on wine labels, communications and marketing materials, provides a visible demonstration of their commitment to sustainable practices.
Customers and consumers will know from seeing the trust mark that the vineyard and winery have met rigorous standards of sustainability.
Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud MP said, “Australian grape and wine producers have a proud history of sustainable production and caring for their land.
“This trust mark provides a tangible way for producers to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability in the global wine marketplace.
“I encourage all Australian grapegrowers and winemakers to join and support Sustainable Winegrowing Australia.”
Dr Mark Krstic, managing director of the Australian Wine Research Institute, which manages the program, said, “Members of Sustainable Winegrowing Australia are committed to protecting and enhancing the environment for the future, through excellence in sustainability practices today. Their efforts will now be more easily recognised around the world.”
Australian Grape & Wine chief executive Tony Battaglene said, “There has been significant demand from Australian growers and winemakers for the development of a sustainability trust mark.
“We listened and are excited to be able to deliver this today. We are looking forward to seeing the trust mark on bottles of Australian wine and vineyard fences very soon.”
Wine Australia CEO Andreas Clark said, “It is important that we champion our sustainability credentials internationally. We have a great story to tell about our wines being an expression of our people and our places, and the trust mark will help people connect to our sustainability messages.”
Sustainable Winegrowing Australia supports grape and wine producers to demonstrate and continuously improve their sustainability in the vineyard and winery through the environmental, social and economic aspects of their businesses.
The program takes a holistic approach to managing, supporting and promoting sustainability.
It is administered by the Australian Wine Research Institute with governance, endorsement and active support from Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia.
The program is modelled on global best practices and aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with progress towards these monitored annually.
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