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BusinessDesignMarketingMcLaren Vale

Angove Family Winemakers McLaren Vale Range

By Tuesday 29 August 2017July 24th, 2024No Comments

Angove Family Winemakers has been involved in the McLaren Vale region for more than 50 years, and the 2011 opening of their McLaren Vale cellar door marked the turning point in becoming wholeheartedly integrated within the young, vibrant community. Sourcing grapes from many of the sub-regions within McLaren Vale, the time was right for fifth-generation family members Richard and Victoria to embark on a project to bring all the Angove McLaren Vale wines under a common umbrella with more consistent design cues, finishes and style.

Multi-Color has had a relationship with the Angove family for more than 90 years, having printed every label for their St Agnes brandy over four generations. Keen to see this long-standing partnership continue, Victoria and Richard Angove immediately went to the team at Multi-Color for knowledge, guidance and advice on what could be achieved in upgrading the Angove McLaren Vale range.

“With so many separate projects and designs in this process, it was important from a quality and consistency standpoint that everyone involved, from the designer, printer and our marketing team to other members of the family, had a clear direction of where we wanted to go and how we could achieve the best possible outcome,” Richard Angove said.

Interweave Group were engaged to craft the extensive design refresh. Undergoing redesign were the Angove Family Crest range, the single-vineyard Warboys Vineyard wines and sub-regional Single Vineyard range, as well as the flagship Medhyk Shiraz. The project also spawned a new vibrant wine brand AMV-X (Angove McLaren Vale Brand X) created to capture the ‘place’ of McLaren Vale.

“Our task was to capture the unique heritage of the Angove family through the refresh, to modernise the range in a way that was completely respectful to the brand’s heritage, and give their labels the finesse and timeless elegance these classic McLaren Vale wines deserve,” Daniel Cookson, creative director of the Interweave Group, said.

“With all these primary and secondary graphic elements, striking that perfect balance of print treatment was critical. It was great working so closely with the Multi-Color crew, who were as passionate as we were to get that balance right.”

The result is Angove McLaren Vale, a highly focused and indisputably McLaren Vale-styled family of wines that are clearly defined by their place and craft. All wines bear the Angove McLaren Vale branding and feature the family crest, connecting the efforts of today with the values and ambition that brought founder Dr W T Angove to South Australia more than 130 years ago.

“The guidance and technical assistance from the team at Multi-Color in the building of this new label and how to achieve the best possible outcome was fantastic,” Matt Redin, marketing manager, said. “From emboss trials, stock selection and printing methods to a marathon press check in which 10 new labels were delivered in one day, they have ensured that the new designs really did over deliver in quality and finish.”

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